Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Cursed Video Game

I tried to run but I couldent finally boom.I shut off my tv and put my video game controler down.I thought Ill get a snack but when I walked into the kitchen I started to think maybe I should try again and not quit.So I got a breakfast bar and went into the living room and did it again.But I lost.Now I was begining to get frustrated.Then I disided to take a break and read.So I went in my room and red.After an hour I went back to my video game and finnally I won!After that I started to think how I was home alone.I wonderd what I was going to do.I dicided to make soup over a open stoved fire.So I went down stairs I got the matches .But while I was running I         triped on my chair lit the match accedintly with my shoe.Then I threw the match up with power and it landed smack dab on my hooked in video game controller .Then a spark of light went up the wire and next thing you know...BOOM!My house blew up!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Betty Williams-Peacemaker

       My peacemaker is Betty Williams. She was born the 22nd of May, 1943. Betty was helping the children in Norther Ireland. She tried to save the children from the war by stopping the war in Northern Ireland through peaceful protest. Betty was drawn into the public aren after the death of three children when she led a peace march with 36,000 other top the graves of the three children that were killed. Betty won the Nobel peace pirze Maired Corrigon. I look up to Betty Williams because she did good things in the world.  She was also given tribute in a really great music video by Nickelback.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Let me introduce myself. My name is Beccey Creep.I live in a small town called CREEPY.People say the town is VERY CREEPY. The town I live in is MY town. That is exactly why my last name is Creep.  Enough talk about me. Let's get to the story. Stay in your seats. because it gonna be scary!

It first started when my Dad, having been elected President of the United States, was more and more disheartened by the limited time he could spend with me and my mom. After 3 months my Dad took the difficult step of resigning the office of the presidency to reallign his priorities and spend more time with the family.  We gathered our things, made one last pass around the Lincoln bedroom, saluted the Oval Office, and got into our Dodge minivan headed to the wind-blown nowhere rock of northeastern Montana to begin anew.

When we got there, the town was called Swallow Falls.  But my dad became the mayor, so they changed the name of the town to Creepy, I suppose to take advantage of some name recognition from the only president to have resigned to spend time with his family. We'd been in Creepy for three years when the dreaded Halloween in question came about.  I couldn't wait. 

That night I went to sleep stuffed to the gills with my candy spoils, buzzing from the sugar, but something was wierd, tingly, more than just the sugar.  Something was gone.  I could feel it in my bones. I wanted to see if everything was in the house, so I got up and checked around the house for everything, but my grandma was missing. So I went out in the neighborhood, looking around every house; but I found no luck...and no grandma.

I was panicked!  I wanted to die. I wanted to run to my mom and tell her that grandma was gone and I couldn't find her. But she was asleep and she HATES when I wake her up. So I just tried to go to bed, thinking maybe grandma had gone out, or to her friends house for a sleepover, or needed to go back to the White House to get some of here things. 

The next morning I told my mom.  We looked around the entire neighborhood.  We even knocked on peoples doors and asked, but no one had seen her. We had canvassed every house with only one last house to go: the neighbors. I was thinking my neighbors had always been a little suspicious of the macabre.  They were always sneaking into our house while we were away on picnics and eating our dinner and stealing leftovers.  We really had a problem with them.  They were Armenian immigrant gypsies from Baku on the Red Sea and spoke a jubilant broken english with crafty, shifting eyes.  They would give you the shirt off their back while they were stealing your whole wardrobe. 

More to come...

My family was so worried.My dad was MAD.He was mad because I didn't tell him early enough.Then I thought about something.Maybe if I told them it was okay they would settle down.But it didn't work it backfired. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The African Elephant

There are few sights in this world more immediately guaranteed to stop the heart than the adult African Elephant when it is surprised or threatened. Extended in fear or anger their total spread can be greater than the animal’s height, some ten to twenty feet. The whole impression is a sheer and powerful mass. Of all mammals survived the last ice age the elephant survived the most. The flapping ears may measure six feet from top to bottom.

Only whales are larger than an elephant. The largest elephant, killed in modern times, stood more than six feet high at the shoulders. They weighed almost twelve tons, although many different kinds of elephants lived in past eras. Next to its size, the most arresting feature of any elephant is its trunk. Today there are only two elephants, the African and the Asiatic.
The elephant eats by picking its food up by its trunk. The elephant eats the grass in Africa. The African’s life cycle has several phases. First it is born. Then it finds a mate. Last, it has its babies.